AgeChecked is service that provides online age checks for websites that sell age-restricted goods and services. The service combines many age checking methods into a single solution that is straightforward for businesses to integrate onto their websites and apps.
The service is fast and easy for consumers to use, and the wide range of age verification methods available offering the highest age checking pass rates online. Checks occur with little to no effect on the customer experience. Customers verify once and are then able to use their age verified status to use other age restricted sites without interruption to their activities.
AgeChecked is a global solution – online customers receive an age checking service that is optimised by geographic location and designed to meet local regulatory requirements based on the goods and services on offer, so merchants can meet their responsibilities wherever they do business around the globe.
For more information please go to www.agechecked.com or email us at ibvta@agechecked.com