Vendi Tech is the nation’s largest automated vape vending service operating within the nightlife sector. As one of the first to enter this space, Vendi Tech has built significant network of wall-mounted retail machines embedded into the hospitality industry, purpose built to improve convenience of vape products within the nightlife sector; a sector that has an extremely high prevalence of social tobacco smokers.
At Vendi, we recognise the critical moments when tobacco smokers or existing vapers seek an alternative. Our machines offer unparalleled convenience, providing a viable substitute at precisely those impulse moments. By offering access to vape products swiftly and seamlessly, we empower individuals to bypass tobacco and opt for vaping, allowing them to satisfy their cravings while still enjoying the social elements traditionally linked to cigarette smoking.
Ensuring a standard of excellence in responsible vape retail within the automated channel is paramount to Vendi Tech.
To underpin our commitment, Vendi holds a Primary Authority Partnership with Buckingham and Surrey Trading Standards. Additionally, we have partnered with Age Checked UK, a leading government-approved digital age verification service to enable age verification checks on our machines, further solidifying our dedication to compliance and responsible business practices, as well as joining the IBVTA to deepen our knowledge of the industry and gain unparalleled guidance and support.
For more information about the services we offer or how we can help you, please reach out to us at: